Kid’s Breakfast cereals and Immune tips, marketing , toys, sugar, Nature`s Path Envirokids
Cereals that are marketed to kids on TV etc actually contain 85% more sugar and 65% less fiber and 60% more sodium. This is according to a report done by Yale University.
Parents already know this but they still are buying their children cereals that are unhealthy. Children demand those cereals because they are very sweet to eat and come with a toy.
In USA that is 156 million dollars by cereal companies just for TV ads that is estimated at 642 ads a preschools child will see per year. Wow!
Examples of definitely less healthy cereals include Reese’s Puffs, Corn Pops, Lucky Charms. In the study children were just as likely to choose the healthy cereal that sugary cereal. But if they chose sugary cereal they were more likely to eat double the amount. Not necessarily a good thing, since there is limited nutrition in this unhealthy choice. But is it better than no breakfast at all? The answer is maybe- since they do get some protein from milk. If they aren’t intolerant to dairy.–the-10-least-nutritious-breakfast-cereals
An alternate better choice is nature’s path cereal. Good choices include Nature’s Path “EnviroKidz”: they have higher fibre cereals for kids and use organic cane sugar instead of high fructose glucose syrup which is very unhealthy. Just think of kids who drink too much coca cola then they become hyper and it will weaken there immunity .
Immune system can be weakened with sugar intake so avoid giving children too much sugar in general.
What is the immune system?
Your body’s defence mechanism against infections and invasions from viruses, bacteria, parasites. For example you immune system produces a fever to help you fight and infection. It’s not necessarily something that should be inhibited. There can be benefits in using the fever without letting it get out of control to help fight infection.
How can we help immune system to fight infections?
1. Zinc lozenges are effective but only zinc acetate not zinc gluconate. Beneficial studies were done on zinc gluconate. It helps to prevents virus from attaching to the epithelium.
2. support our immunity and prevent disease is to eat a balanced, whole foods diet. For most people, this means eating more fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grains.
3. Selenium Vitamin A vitamin C is contained in good multivitamin.
4. Herbal medicine like cold fx may help, Echinacea roots, sambucus (Sambuguard)
5. Washing hands
6. Sleeping well and getting good rest.